Sterling Smiles Lucas


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What You Need To Know Before Getting A Teeth Whitening Treatment

In recent years, people have become increasingly interested in whitening their teeth to have a brighter, more radiant smile. Before diving into a teeth whitening treatment, it’s essential to understand the options available. Various teeth whitening options involve different processes; therefore, understanding what to expect is vital. This article will walk you through everything you need to know before undergoing a teeth whitening treatment and all the available options.

Understanding Different Teeth Whitening Options

Below, let’s see what are the different kinds of teeth whitening options available for you:

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products:

  • Teeth whitening toothpaste: Teeth whitening options contain mild abrasives and chemicals to remove surface stains.
  • Whitening strips: Whitening strips are thin, flexible strands coated with a peroxide-based gel for at-home use.
  • Whitening pens: Another option is a whitening pen, a brush-on applicator with whitening gel for targeted stain removal.

Professional Treatments:

  • In-office whitening: In-office dental whitening treatment is performed by professionals. To achieve faster results, a dental professional uses a higher concentration of whitening agents while performing the procedure.
  • Take-home kits: Take-home kits are custom trays filled with whitening gel provided by the dentist for gradual whitening over several days.

What are the factors to consider before getting teeth whitening treatment?

Below, we will see some of the factors to consider before getting a teeth whitening treatment:

Oral Health Evaluation:

Consult with your dentist to ensure your gums and teeth are healthy enough for whitening. Before proceeding, you must address any underlying dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease.

Sensitivity Concerns:

Some individuals may experience tooth sensitivity during or after whitening treatments. It is important to discuss sensitivity management options with your dentist, such as using desensitizing toothpaste or adjusting the whitening concentration.

Expectations and Realistic Results:

Understanding that teeth whitening may not drastically change the color of natural teeth is very important. You can manage your expectations by discussing achievable results with your dentist based on your current tooth shade.

What is the teeth whitening process?

Now that you know what are the things you should keep in mind before getting the whitening treatment, let us see what a teeth whitening process involves:


The preparation involves cleanings and the removal of the surface stains and plaque before whitening. On the other hand, for at-home kits, custom trays are created to ensure proper fit and even whitening results.


In-office whitening sessions typically last 60-90 minutes, with the dentist applying the whitening gel and activating it with a special light. Take-home kits require consistent use. Use the kit according to your dentist’s instructions, usually over a period of several days to weeks.

Is there any aftercare or maintenance required?

Like any other dental treatment, the teeth whitening treatment also involves some aftercare and maintenance. Let us see what are the pointers you should keep in mind:

Keep the oral hygiene in check:

  • Be sure to brush, floss, and schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure good oral hygiene.
  • Use whitening toothpaste to help maintain results and prevent new stains.

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Limit consumption of staining foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine.
  • Avoid tobacco products, which can lead to yellowing and staining of teeth.


Teeth whitening options offer a range of choices for achieving a brighter smile. Before undergoing treatment, you must consult with your dentist to assess your oral health, discuss expectations, and choose the most suitable whitening option. You can enjoy long-lasting results and a confident smile with proper care and maintenance.